SSN 591 Plan of the Day
If you found your way to the USS SHARK (SSN 591) website, you are one of the few so far!
A significant number (about 37%) of the 330 emails we sent out to the old mailing list have been returned because the email addresses no longer exist (one of the reasons we ask for your phone number and mailing address!). If you are in contact with any of your Shark shipmates, or any other boat sailors from the Cold War, forward the Familygram or otherwise let them know so they can get registered and be a part of the community we are building here.
Spread the word to your shipmates and let them know that is back in business!
Each one of the 500 or so Cold War Boats submarines or related commands has a Master Sailing List. Ultimately, these lists will identify every shipmate that served on a specific boat or support command.
For now, every currently registered shipmate is listed, and many of our boats/commands have additional shipmates that have been added by dedicated volunteers poring over Enlisted and Officer Personnel Diaries.
The USS SHARK (SSN 591), by virtue of making Cold War Boats its dedicated boat website, has incorporated the roster of the now defunct site, bring the Shark's current total of former officers and crew to 861.
You can see it at You must be registered and logged in to view the Sailing Lists.
If you were listed on the old Shark website, take a minute to update your user profile, which you can reach by clicking on your name in the Current Watchsection menu at the top of the right column if you are logged in, or any other place your name appears.
Make a point of updating your email, phone number and address so you can be reached, and add any other boats or commands you served on to your profile. This will ensure that your name appears on the Master Sailing List of each of those commands.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Cold War Boats has taken over responsibility for the USS SHARK (SSN 591) website. We are in the process of transferring all material from the old site ( courtesy of Barry R. Trosper. Check in often as we will be added new material frequently.
The new USS SHARK (SSN 591) site can be found on the Cold War Boats site at, then following the menus FAST ATTACKS >> SKIPJACK CLASS >> USS SHARK (SSN 591). Additionally, you can use the original URL,, to go directly to the site.
If you were registered at, you are already included in the Cold War Boats Master Sailing List. Simply attempt to log in using either the LOGIN/REGISTER button in the upper right corner of every page, or the LOG IN/LOG OUT link on the WATCH, QUARTER, AND STATION BILL menu midway down the right column. When the login popup appears, select"Forgot your username or password? Click here for a reminder." Enter your email address, and your user name will be sent to you. Follow the same steps to reset your password, and you will be able to create a new password for Cold War Boats.
Please contact me at directly if you have any trouble logging in.
If you have photos, stories, or artifacts related to the 591, reach out to me until we get a Site Lead volunteered! I'll make sure it gets on the Shark site. If you're planning a Shark reunion, again, let me know. The new Shark website has a reunion function already built in that will let you organize, promote, and keep track of attendees and events.
All Shark shipmates are invited to make the USS SHARK (SSN 591) site on Cold War Boats their new on-line home.
Welcome Aboard!
Five new covers have been added to the SSN 591 Ship's Post Office Archives in the Logroom. By covers, of course, we are refering to envelopes marked with cachets or postmarks related to the USS SHARK, not hats. That will be a different post.
In the philatelic world, that of stamp collecting, a cover is a card or envelope that has traveled through the mail and contains postal markings. Collectors often prize first day covers, those postmarked on the first day of a stamp's release, or topical covers, those envelopes with a printed, stamped, or embossed design related to a specific topic.
There is even an organization, the Universal Ship Cancellation Society, dedicated to collecting cancellations and covers related to ships and submarines.
The USS SHARK (SSN 591) has many commemorating such events as the launching, commissioning, decommissioning, and recycling. The boat also had, at several times, a rubber stamp that was applied to personal mail leaving through the ship's office.
Examples of both are featured in the LOGROOM >> ARCHIVES >> SHIP'S POST OFFICE.
You can find the images here: or
You do not have to be registered to view the SSN 591 cover collections.
Cold War Boats Association needs your help!
PHOTOGRAPHS: We need photos of your boat and crew. Photos of the boat specifically, in port or at sea, inside or out, with or without crew members.
Images should be:
- Original (you took the photo, or public domain)
- Digital - if prints or slides, contact the Ship's Photographer - we will scan them and return them unharmed, and pay for shipping both ways.
- High resolution - 2000 x 1100 minimum for slideshows
- Uncorrected - we will color-correct and eliminate dust and scratches using our photo editors.
SITE LEADS: No experience necessary - you are not responsible for the website template and coding, no knowledge of computer programming required.
Responsibilities include:
- Managing content - articles, photo galleries, soliciting and uploading sea stories, etc.
- Registering shipmates, vetting registrations, locating missing shipmates
- Posting reunion information
- Preparing your ship's newsletter
Please contact the Chief Archivist at if you have photographs to submit or the Fleet Detailer at if you would like to learn more about the responsibilities of the Site Lead for your specific boat.