Cold War Boats Association needs your help!
PHOTOGRAPHS: We need photos of your boat and crew. Photos of the boat specifically, in port or at sea, inside or out, with or without crew members.
Images should be:
- Original (you took the photo, or public domain)
- Digital - if prints or slides, contact the Ship's Photographer - we will scan them and return them unharmed, and pay for shipping both ways.
- High resolution - 2000 x 1100 minimum for slideshows
- Uncorrected - we will color-correct and eliminate dust and scratches using our photo editors.
SITE LEADS: No experience necessary - you are not responsible for the website template and coding, no knowledge of computer programming required.
Responsibilities include:
- Managing content - articles, photo galleries, soliciting and uploading sea stories, etc.
- Registering shipmates, vetting registrations, locating missing shipmates
- Posting reunion information
- Preparing your ship's newsletter
Please contact the Chief Archivist at if you have photographs to submit or the Fleet Detailer at if you would like to learn more about the responsibilities of the Site Lead for your specific boat.
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