Sea Stories

Another memory is Haddog; you may remember the incident.

It seems that an enterprising crew member (some said it was one of the QM gang) used some light green paper, a few colored pens, a Polaroid camera and a laminating machine to gin up a shipyard military personnel photo ID for a stray dog that spent time about the shipyard.

The dog's name on the ID was Haddog.

All thought is was great fun to see the pooch coming and going with the ID wagging from his collar, with the guards saluting, etc.;  all but the CO and XO, that it (or at least they couldn't admit it in public).

I guess there arose quite a furor over shipyard security. After all, what if some mutt-faced spy look-alike or poor, hapless Haddog had crept past the guards on all four, and used the ID to steal top military secrets?

Anyone who looks enough like Haddog's photo to pass security checks deserves all the stolen secrets he can get, I suppose.

Or maybe the security guards need the help. It was said that they actually verified that the dog looked like the photo every time he came into the yard. So it must have been ok.

{Lest the author upset anyone, he dutifully acknowledges the importance of security, and hopes that this light-hearted look at a long-ago incident does not reflect poorly on him.]

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